







Of waters and persons: the new decade or Covid era?!

Welcome to the 45th International Society of Medical Hydrology and Climatology World Congress - June 10/11 (Dax, France, or Webinar)

Curation, prevention, development, sustainability, research, education, training, ... are the topics that will be discussed. France has a great tradition in Balneology, not only historical but also in scientific, social and cultural aspects.

Dax is a very good example of this with its rich history and its Institute of Thermalism where Education and Research get together allowing a very important development on Balneology knowledge. Thus, having an ISMH Congress in this thermal city constitutes a very special occasion.

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

The course of the pandemic remains quite unpredictable due to the role of variants and the pace of vaccination in the different countries. It is, today, difficult to know if international travels will be possible in June. The Congress will therefore be organized as a webinar. Nonetheless we hope that a lot of delegates will be present in Dax.

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14° European Patients' Rights Day - 18th & 19th November 2020

We are delighted to invite you to the 14th edition of the European Patients’ Rights Day that will be celebrated with a digital conference titled

“ONE health approach, MULTIPLE answers: citizens’ engagement & stakeholders' actions to tackle antimicrobial resistance and sustain EU progress”.

It will be kindly hosted by MEP Brando Benifei from S&D Group and virtually held on 18th November from 17:00 to 19:00 and on 19th November from 15:30 to 17:30.

The conference will focus on the fight to antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and the importance of the citizens’ engagement for a multi-stakeholder action, with the aim to foster the communication among the different actors active against AMR, exchange opinions on this challenge, continue to promoting the reinforcement of the rights established in the EU Charter of Patients’ Rights.

To join the conference, please register here (registration is mandatory).

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Seminario di Studio

Le Partnership pubblico-privato:
sviluppo o fallimento?
Un confronto internazionale

Giovedi 6 dicembre ore 9.00-13.30 - Università di Bologna, Campus di Forlì
Via Corridoni 20 Teaching Hub aula 10

Alceste Santuari - Dipartimento di Sociologia e Diritto dell'Economia
Emanuele Padovani - Coordinatore del Corso di Laurea in Economia e commercio
Massimo Spisni - Vice-presidente della Scuola di Economia, Management e Statistica — Forlì
Federica Bandini - Coord. Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Management dell'economia sociale

Vedi il Programma

Global Thermal Think Tank

Hot springs owners, operators, senior managers and researchers from across the globe meet to discuss a range of industry issues and opportunities to collaborate and grow together.

FEMTEC and EAPTC will participate in this event.

See the Program Draft

Le cure termali: risposta efficace alle malattie respiratorie

Sabato 29 settembre 2018 -Terme di Riolo

Le malattie respitratorie sono patologie che quotidianamente giungono all'osservazione del Medico di Medicina Generale e del Pediatra come primi interlocutori. Queste patologie possono trovare notevoli benefici nelle terapie fruibili presso i Centri Termali.

Studi scientifici hanno evidenziato gli effetti benefici delle cure termali. L'evento ha lo scopo di illustrare queste problematiche con testimonianze dirette delle Associazioni di malati e dare risposte concrete ai malati e ai loro medici.

Vedi il programma

La responsabilità dei medici e delle strutture termali alla luce della “legge Gelli”:
una garanzia ulteriore per i pazienti-utenti?

c/o Grand Hotel Terme Padiglione Murri Riolo Terme (RA) - 11 novembre 2017 - ore 16

La legge n. 24/ 2017 ha introdotto un sistema di responsabilità che intende rinforzare i diritti dei pazienti e, allo stesso tempo, individuare i casi in cui gli esercenti la professione sanitaria e le strutture socio-sanitarie devono ritenersi responsabili. La “Legge Gelli” prevede obblighi e adempimenti che interessano anche le strutture sanitarie termali.

Il seminario è stato un momento di confronto e di discussione con la presenza del promotore della legge, e sono stati esaminati i contenuti della nuova normativa, in specie per valutarne gli impatti sulla fruizione delle cure termali.

Vedi il programma

I video del seminario:

The individual at the heart of care and as a driver of change

April 8, 2017 - EUROPEAN MEETING, Riolo Terme (Italy)

More than 5 million people in Europe (and more than one million in Italy) today use thermal treatments according to a variety of therapeutic approaches and forms, with positive results based on their health expectations (ISTAT 2014 data; Cneth data, France, 2015).

However, only seldom was this great number of citizens involved in a critical and responsible evaluation of the services provided by thermal establishments, something that is crucial to ensure the future development of the sector.

One of the purposes of the European Association of Patients and Users of Thermal Centres (EAPTC, www.eaptc.net), established in December 2015, is to promote the active involvement of users of thermal services and the awareness of the potentials of thermal treatments for patients with diseases eligible for treatment with thermal medicine.

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Conference: "Government and Citizens: Technologies of Collaboration"

Priorities Should Be Set by Residents
For the first time, the separate conference "Government and Citizens: Technologies of Collaboration" is being held as part of the Fourth Moscow Urban Forum, which began its work today in the Manezh Central Exhibition Hall.
Russian and foreign experts, urbanists, business representatives and city mayors will discuss various aspects of interaction between the city residents and their governments via advanced interactive technologies.
The discussions at the "Government and Citizens" conference focus on the best international practices in engaging concerned citizens in the decision-making process and building the urban agenda.

Patient mobility in the EU

Meeting on the "Patient mobility in the EU", held at the European Parliament.
Prof. Alceste Santuari was among the speakers as Italian representative.

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